On the morning of the March 24th, we as volunteers come to carry out love-giving activities in the "feeling of lone star" autistic children health care base.
At half past eight in the morning, volunteers went together to the “feeling of lone star" autistic children health care base. Everyone began to get ready for giving lessons after they knew the content of activities, which includes three parts, singing, drama performance and painting. At 9:30 a.m., six autistic children came to class on time and each of them had a volunteer as his/her companion. First of all, we taught them to sing "worm fly", then we kindly encouraged them to sing alone. Finally, all the children completed the chorus. After the singing class, three students from the law school in our university acted out scenarios to tell children some basic knowledge of traffic safety, like walking on the zebra crossing when crossing the street, as well as looking at traffic lights and paying attention to vehicles, etc.. In the final drawing lesson, the volunteers first taught children to draw giant pandas, and then allowed them to paint scenery in spring freely, such as trees, flowers, houses and so on. The children accompanied by other volunteers completed their paintings and signed their names and date on it.
At the end of the course, volunteers took photos with children and welcomed them to Wuhan University for visit. What a beautiful and meaningful day.