(Cui Kaicong)At 3:00 pm on May 6, the undergraduate party branch of our school held the 200th anniversary of Marx's birthday learning conference.
Li Po, Xie Linqiao, Tang Zhou, Li Jieheng and the undergraduate branch secretaries also participated in the meeting, which was hosted by Tang Zhou.
At the beginning, Tang Zhou briefly introduced the background of the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birthday learning conference. They first watched the video report of Xinhua News online about the conference of commemorating the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birthday and reviewed the contents of the conference once again. After watching the video, Tang Zhou pointed out the importance of learning General Secretary Xi's speech at the meeting and explained the main content of the speech.
Then, all the members took discussions on the conference of commemorating the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birthday and gave their opinions successively.Li Po shared his learning experience and said that contemporary youth values are more pragmatic, but as communists, we should be more selfless.The birthday of Marxism is what Marx set out from all human beings, aiming at eliminating exploitation and achieving common prosperity for mankind.It isonly this kind of thinking can penetrate time and space, allowing later generations to agree and use it as a guide for their actions.Xie Linqiao said: Our Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents, Scientific development concept, and Xi Jinping's New Age Socialism with Chinese Characteristics are all in line with Marxism. The Chinese Communists are the successor of Marxism. Tang Zhou stated that we must not only study Marxism, but also study Marx’s personalexcellent quality. We must be proactive, full of humanistic spirit and lofty scientific spirit like Marx. Li Jieheng said that it is with Marxism as our guiding ideology that our party could make such great achievements.The party branch secretaries also expressed their own opinions.
At 4 pm, the meeting was successfully concluded.