
Lecture by Prof. Yao HE(Oct. 30th)


TitleSilicon Nanotechnology for Bioimaging and Biochemical Sensing Analysis

SpeakerProf. Yao HE, Suzhou University

RoomWest Building 210

Date15:00 p.m., Oct. 30th, 2017



Taking advantages of non- or lowly-toxic property of silicon, exploration of silicon nanotechnology for biological and biomedical applications is of particular interest and has been extensively studied in recent years. Based on recent research progress in our group, we herein summarize representative and promising achievement to highlight the remarkable development of silicon nanotechnology for biological and biomedical applications in recent years, with the hope to promote the awareness of the realm of silicon nano-biotechnology. In particular, silicon nanomaterials featuring unique electronic/optical/mechanical properties have been widely employed for constructing a number of biosensing devices with excellent sensitivity and specificity, high reproducibility, and multiplexing capabilities. On the other hand, silicon nanoparticles featuring strong fluorescence, robust photostability, and excellent biocompatibility have been extensively explored as potentially ideal biological fluorescent probes, which are high-efficacy for long-term and real-time bioimaging. Very recently, the silicon-based fluorescent nanoprobes have been exploited as novel optical agents for fluorescence imaging-guided surgical operation with encouraging outcomes.






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