
Lecture by Doctor Yun Zong (June 25th, 2019)

TitleDevelopment of Lithium-Chalcogen Batteries

LecturerDoctor Yun Zong, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering of Singapore

Time3:00p.m. ,June 25th,2019(Tuesday)

PlaceRoom 210, Chemistry Building(West)


Batteries using metallic lithium anode coupled with a chalcogen element cathode represent a new type of energy storage devices with promised higher energy density over their lithium-ion counterparts. Oxygen, sulfur, selenium, and tellurium have all been successfully demonstrated as effective cathode in the respective lithium batteries, with the former two achieved notably more attentions. Similar to other underdeveloped battery technologies, there are still technical hurdles preventing them from practical applications. In this talk I will share our research journey to tackling some of the issues, including the development of a yolk-shell structured sulfur-carbon particles, free-standing sulfur/graphene laminate, free-standing tellurium mat, clarification of reaction intermediate state using customized set-up, and proposal of alternative approach to building better lithium-sulfur batteries.

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