
Lecture by Professor Yinsheng Wang(Sept 10, 2019)

TitleChemistry and Biology of G Quadruplex-binding Proteins

LecturerProfessor Yinsheng Wang, University of California, Riverside, USA

Time9:30a.m. ,Sept 10th,2019(Tuesday)

PlaceRoom 326, Chemistry Building(South)

About the lecturer

Yinsheng Wang received his Ph. D. degree from Washington University in St. Louis after obtaining his BS and MS degrees from Shandong University and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, respectively.  He joined the faculty of the University of California Riverside in 2001, where he is now a Professor and Donald T. Sawyer Endowed Founder's Chair in Chemistry. His current research involves the use of mass spectrometry, along with synthetic organic chemistry and molecular biology, for investigation about the occurrence and biological consequences of DNA damage as well as for the identification and functional characterizations of nucleic acid- and nucleotide-binding proteins.  Yinsheng has trained or in the process of training of over 70 Ph. D. students and post-doctoral fellows, and he has co-authored ~ 260 research articles.  Yinsheng was named as a fellow for the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences in 2012, and he was the recipient for the inaugural Chemical Research in Toxicology Young Investigator Award from the Division of Chemical Toxicology of the American Chemical Society (2012), the 2013 Biemann Medal from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry and the 2018 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry. He was also named the Yangtze River Scholars Distinguished Professor in 2016, and he was appointed as an Associate Editor for Chemical Research in Toxicology in 2018.

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