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Deng Zixin of CAS elected to be the first Chinese chairman of GIM-IC

Author:Sun Yuhui

Recently, Professor Deng Zixin was elected as the new chairman of the International Committee for Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms GIM-IC), which was the first time for a Chinese scientist to chair in GIM-IC.

GIM-IC is composed of 28 internationally renowned experts from 17 countries, including the United States, Britain, Germany, Canada and China. Each chairman is elected for a term of six years and Prof. Deng became the first Chinese scholar to ever hold this position. From 1970 on, this organization started to hold a global international conference every four years, which was later changed to every three years. Nowadays, it has become one of the most influential academic brands in the field of microbiology.

Deng Zixin has been a member of GIM-IC since 2006. With his dedication, GIM-IC took its first step in China by holding the 13th International Conference on Industrial Microbial Genetics (GIM 2016) in Wuhan. Thousands of experts and scholars from 33 countries and regions of Asia, Europe, America and Oceania gathered in Wuhan, exploring the forefront of microbial research and its future development, while also discovering the latest microbial genetic achievements of Chinese practitioners. Their discussions also included the simultaneous and coordinated development of theoretical research and industrialized application of research results, making a great contribution to consolidating and enhancing the status and influence of China in the field of microbiology worldwide.  

Deng Zixin’s achievements, especially for his great efforts in promoting GIM-IC’s international recognition, are greatly valued by the Committee. As its new chairman, Deng will engage more actively in global exchange and cooperation, fostering a tighter bond between China and the world.


Rewritten by Xu Yumeng

Edited by Li Minjia, Wu Siying, Edmund Wai Man Lai & Hu Sijia