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WHU Cooperates with BioMed Central in Publishing Global Heath Research and Policy

Author:Wang Peigang & Wang Zhonghai

Established by BioMed Central (BMC), a UK-based scientific publisher, and the Global Health Institute of Wuhan University, the open access journal Global Heath Research and Policy was formally launched on June 16 2016.

Global Heath Research and Policy aims at disseminating high quality research to improve regional and global health and promote health equality. Feng Youmei, executive president of WHU, who is also the editor-in-chief of the journal, says that Global Health Research and Policy is currently funded by the Global Health Institute of Wuhan University. “The reason we do this is not only because of our interest in global health,” says Feng, “but also our intention of turning Global Health Research and Policy into our flagship journal so that students and faculties of WHU can have more opportunities to communicate with peers of the same profession worldwide.”

Dr. Chen Xinguang is a tenured professor at the College of Public Health & Health Professions and the College of Medicine, University of Florida. He is also the executive editor-in-chief of Global Health Research and Policy and the professor of WHU Luojia Forum. “As a rising academic field, Global Health is still in an early stage of development,” he says. “Our goal is to make the articles published in the journal a precious resource for our readers and researchers. We want to help global health advance into a dynamic branch of health sciences.”

Ruth King, who is the editorial director of Health Sciences program in BMC, says that BMC is glad to cooperate with the Global Health Institute of Wuhan University in publishing Global Health Research and Policy. “We expect the journal to become an international platform for sharing related information and knowledge. Both BMC and the Global Health Institute can promote the progress of global health through open access publishing.”

Global Health Research and Policy welcomes submissions in areas including health equality, health systems and policy, global health practice, social determinants for health, behavior and health, health promotion, human resources in health, disease burden, environmental health, mental health, maternal and child health, aging and health care, global health education, health ethics and other urgent and neglected global health issues. The journal currently does not charge any individual or institution for submission fee.

BioMed Central is owned by Springer Nature and is the pioneer of open access publishing. All articles published by BMC after peer-review are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. 

Website of the journal:


(Rewritten by Song Zihan, edited by Xiang Jiahao, Mark and Hu Sijia)