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Li Deren Wins Outstanding Education Prize in Geomatics

Author:Hu Sijia

At the 21st International Conference on Geomatics, Li Deren, a Wuhan University scholar and member of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE), spoke and was awarded the “Outstanding Education Prize.”

During the three-day session, about 400 scholars from North America, Europe, Africa, South America, Southeast Asia and China discussed the frontiers of Geomatics technology under the conference theme “the Role of Geographic Information System in Economic Development, Regional Planning and Environmental Protection.”

Several internationally renowned scholars such as CAS member Xu Guanhua and member of the National Academy of Science Michael F.Goodchild also spoke at the conference. Li Deren elaborated on the application of Smart City which is a cutting edge mapping technology. He explained that theGeomatics industry has developedrapidlyin China yet much more can be achieved in its development of Geomatics.

Professor Chen Nengcheng and graduate student Zhou Lianjie from the State Key Lab of Information Science in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing of Wuhan University addressed the conference too.

The International Conference on Geomatics was held in Henan this year. Itpromotes networking in Geomatics and helps deepen Geomatics social and economic applications.