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Delegation of Radboud University Nijmegen visits WHU for cooperation in stomatology

Author:Wei Yena

On November 22, the delegation of Radboud University Nijmegen headed by President Daniël Wigboldus visited Wuhan University. It was warmly welcomed by President Dou Xiankang at the Administrative Building. Two universities signed the letter of intent concerning EDEMTET (E-Campus for Dental Education supporting Multidisciplinary Team-based learning and Evidence-based Treatment planning) .

The delegation of Radboud University Nijmegen

President Dou briefed the delegation on the history of WHU and the School of Stomatology, which has witnessed 27 years’ cooperation between RU and WHU. “In August, we received the inspiring news that the EDEMTET program that two universities had jointly applied for got the EU funding. It will be a landmark for the cooperation between the two sides,” said Dou.

President Daniël Wigboldus stressed the importance RU placed on exchanges in personnel and ideas among international higher education institutes. “However, it is much more important to have high-quality contacts. We are proud that Wuhan University is one of our well-esteemed partners. The program on stomatology is a good example of our long-term and high-quality cooperation,” he said.

Professor Dominique Niesten, the project manager, introduced the EU-funded project EDEMTET in details. With the goal of promoting internationally innovative collaborative learning in Dentistry, RU, WHU, together with Guangxi Medical University, Nanjing University and Queen’s University Belfast will make joint efforts to build an E-Campus international platform which offers open online courses and chances for teamwork based on dental-related cases.

Professor Dominique Niesten presenting EDEMTET

Signing ceremony of the letter of intent on EDEMTET

“The program will not only innovate the teaching mode of stomatology, promote the knowledge integration between stomatology and other related disciplines, but also accelerate teamwork and educational exchanges.” said President Dou.

The delegation overlooking the panorama of campus from the balcony of the Administrative Building

Edited by Wei Junyi,Zheng Yayun & Hu Sijia

Photo by Zhang Yifan