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GSIS selected as "2019 China's Most Internationally Influential Academic Journal" WHU’s Geomatics and Information Science has been selected as China’s excellent academic journal of international influence for five consecutive years

Author:Jin Wenjie

Annual Report for International Citation of Chinese Academic Journals recently published 2019 Chinese Academic Journal Clout Index (CI). Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS), an English academic journal of geo-spatial information science sponsored by Wuhan University and with Academician Li Deren as its chief editor, was selected as "2019 China's Most Internationally Influential Academic Journal" (TOP5%) for the first time.

Based on Clout Index, Annual Report for International Citation of Chinese Academic Journals (2019) is composed of three categories, namely, natural science, engineering technology and humanities and social science, and gives rankings to Chinese academic journals. The TOP academic journals are divided into two categories: those ranking within TOP 5% are “China's Most Internationally Influential Academic Journal” and those ranking from TOP 5% to TOP10% are “China’s excellent academic journal of international influence”. Each of the two categories contains 175 academic journals of science and technology and 60 of humanities and social sciences. The year of 2019 marks the 8th year for the consecutive publishing of Annual Report for International Citation of Chinese Academic Journals. It provides scientific, accurate, objective and impartial statistics to analyze the international influence of China's self-founded academic journals. It shows that there are 470 academic journals included in the two categories this year. These TOP journals, making up 10% of total number, contributed 64% of the cited rate. They are outstanding representatives of China's academic journals “going out” and have played a significant role in promoting the international influence of academic journals in China.

GSIS is an English academic journal of geo-spatial information science, Academician Li Deren as its chief editor, Professor J. van Genderen from University of Twente in Netherlands and Professor Alexander Zipf from University of Heidelberg in Germany as its international academic deputy editors. Based on the strategy of global academic exchanges proposed by Academician Li, GSIS is equipped with a highly internationalized editorial board. This 52-member team includes 7 academicians at home and abroad, and 40 overseas editorial members, account for 78% of the total. The editorial board carries out substantive work for GSIS led by the chief editor, and holds an annual editorial committee meeting to direct the development and operational strategy of the journal. In addition, GSIS has been co-published with the Taylor&Francis Group since 2012, embracing an international publishing platform and a publishing model of open access (OA).

Previously, GSIS was selected as one of the “China’s excellent academic journal of international influence” (TOP10%) for three consecutive years. In 2019, it was selected as “China's most internationally influential academic journal” (TOP5%) for the first time. Besides, Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University has been selected as one of China’s excellent academic journal of international influence” (TOP10%) for five consecutive years since 2015.

Rewritten by: Chen Muying, edited by Cao Siyi, Shen Yuxi and Hu Sijia