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British ambassador to China visits WHU for medical cooperation

Author:Hu Sijia

On July 1st, Dame Barbara Woodward, the British ambassador to China, and Mr. Gareth Hoar, the British Consul General in Wuhan, along with other two colleagues, visited Wuhan University and were received by WHU’s Vice President Tang Qizhu.

The Vice President gave a general introduction to  WHU, especially the rapid development in the medical field. He said that WHU enjoyed a long history of exchanges with the UK and substantive cooperation had been carried out between the two sides in a multi-domain, multi-level and all-round manner. He hoped that further joint efforts can be made to give full play to the advantages in intelligence, talents and technologies of both sides to promote the cooperation in the fields of medical treatment and pharmacy.

The ambassador said that Wuhan and WHU played a pivotal role in the "golden age" of Sino-UK relations. China and the U  shared the task of improving people's well-being and health in the 21st century. She  mentioned, Wuhan University, as the cradle of high-quality innovative talents, would further strengthen exchanges with British universities and research institutes, for expanding cooperation in more fields such as medical health and life sciences. Besides, the ambassador passed on the high comments from the British Prime Minister Theresa on the elaborate preparation for her visit to WHU in 2018, when the Vice Premier Hu Chunhua visited London this year.

Later, the ambassador and other guests also communicated with professors of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Institute of Medical Virology from the School of Basic Medical Sciences.

Allegedly, WHU has established cooperation with Cambridge University and other 23 universities in the UK. Specific ways of cooperation include the student exchanges and joint educational programs, research collaboration, Sino-foreign cooperative education programs, Confucius Institutes, and Sino-UK Association for the Humanities in Higher Education.

(Rewritten by Liang Guoying, Edited by Zhang Shiqi, Shen Yuxi)