On the afternoon of March 16th, in room 123 of the Wuhan University School of Law, a briefing session targeting undergraduates about studying abroad went on. This session, organized by the Office of International Affairs, along with the other one held the day prior, was among a series of activitiesfor WHU’s Week of Overseas Exchange Promotion for Undergraduates, which introduced in detail the university’s policy regarding scholarship opportunities for undergraduate overseas study and summer programs offered by world-class universities.
Li Xiaoshu, deputy director of the Office of International Affairs a WHU, and Liu Xiaojing from the Study Abroad Affairs Office attended the briefing session and introduced relevant issues concerning the scholarship and specific information regarding the summer programs.
Director Li presented four aspects of WHU’s special scholarship for undergraduates’ overseas exchange: organization and management, selection criteria, award standard, as well as review procedure. He pointed out that the university had set up a leading group to take charge of the selection of students qualified to get the scholarship, and to deal with other relevant issues. The selection criteria include a proficient foreign language ability requirement and qualified professional capabilities. The duration of exchange is required to be more than 4 weeks and less than 2 years (with the except of international conferences). Generally, the special scholarship is categorized into 3 levels: first-class (25000 yuan), second-class (15000 yuan) and third-class scholarship (5000 yuan).

Director Li introducing WHU’s scholarship policy
Next, Liu Xiaojing from the Study Abroad Affairs Office briefed summer exchange programs held between WHU and other famous foreign universities, including the University of California, Berkeley; Columbia University; the London School of Economics and Political Science; Cambridge University; the University of Sydney; Oriel College and the University of Chicago. This briefing session also invited undergraduates who had attended these programs to share their exchange experience.

Liu Xiaojing introducing the program with UC Berkeley
In the Q&A session, director Li and other speakers patiently answered questions raised by the audiences. When asked about his advice to undergraduates who wish to study abroad, Li replied, “It is necessary for these undergraduates to make early and sufficient preparations for overseas exchange, which can include getting a high score in IELTS or TOEFL, applying for exchange programs, improving personal abilities, etc.” He stressed that WHU had been encouraging students to expand their outlook via overseas exchange experiences and was willing to offer financial support.
According to Li, the funding from our university towards overseas exchange has been continuously increasing, from 3.63 million yuan in 2016 and 4.89 million yuan in 2017 reaching more than 400 awarded students, to an estimated 6 million yuan this year. What’s more, the number of students going abroad is also climbing steadily and our overseas exchange programs have reached an enhanced level.

LSE and Cambridge sharing
The Office of International Affairs has successfully held two rounds of WHU’s Week of Overseas Exchange Promotion for Undergraduates, which offered important activities to promote the university’s internationalization and broaden students’ international horizon, and also promote effective ways for university students to gain access to exchange programs and special scholarships.
For more information about WHU’s special scholarship for undergraduates’ overseas exchange and summer programs offered by world famous universities, please refer to http://oir.whu.edu.cn/ (Official website of the Office of International Affairs) or follow the official account “WHU-StudyAbroad” on WeChat.
Photo by Liu Qingyun, Guo Yutong
Edited by Zheng Yayun, Edmund Wai Man Lai,Liu Jiachen and Li Xiaoshu