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Youth creates the future: the 7th WHU International Exchange Camp of Student Organizations opens

Author:Xu Yumeng

On November 25, with dazzling lights glowing in the Yubi Hall, the opening ceremony of the 7th Wuhan University (WHU) International Exchange Camp of Student Organizations attracted elites from world famous universities such as Yale, Princeton, Cambridge, and Peking University, once again strengthening the bond between WHU and the world.


Representatives watering the tree of “Youth Development”


With the theme of “Youth Creates the Future”, the 7th Wuhan University International Exchange Camp of Student Organizations aimed to represent the fresh look of the new generation. Youngsters would debate and discuss new ideas to fully experience cultural fusion and collision during the next five days. “Young people should engage more in global affairs.” said Lelina, the vice president of American Ivy League Student Council, “Through the dialogue with other people, you will be able to improve yourself, and make even more educated decisions as leaders of future.”


WHU Vice President Wang conveying a speech


Professor Wang Chuanzhong, the vice president of Wuhan University delivered an opening address. “It’s inspiring to see so many young faces gleaming with aspiration,” said Prof. Wang, “The International Exchange Camp marks a great development in the internationalization of WHU and also meets our goal of building a world class university with first-rate disciplines[A1] .” Prof. Wang also expressed his warmest hope that young people could seize the chance to learn from their peers, to accumulate experience through practice, and to expand their international views in the clash of new thoughts.


A show displaying the beauty of distinctive cultures across the world


Students from WHU presented a visual feast for all the friends coming from afar. Along with the powerful martial arts and incredible opera that impressed the entire hall, the graceful dancing and the energetic modeling show left the stage roaring with applause. At the end of the ceremony, students from all over the world joined hands together and were immersed in the air of excitement. Singing along with the song, they pushed the night into a long, inspiring climax.

The annual International Exchange Camp in WHU aims to promote the friendship and cooperation between youngsters from around the world. As our future leaders, young people are expected to become keener and more adaptable to the current world trend, contributing to the future world. By embracing diversified backgrounds and cultures, they will draw a blueprint of their own future ahead as well as set a course to improve our shared world.


 (Photo by Wu Jiamin, Edited by Li Minjia, Wu Siying, Edmund Wai Man Lai &Hu Sijia)