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Wuhan University Team Wins First Position in 2015 Modal APEC

Author:Sichen Xia

A team at Wuhan University won the championship at 2015 Modal APEC held from 24th to 27th August at Beijing International Conference Center. The team members are Jiang Shan (sophomore atthe College of Foreign Languages and Literature), Xia Sichen (senior at the College of Foreign Languages and Literature), Qin Yujia (senior at the School of Economy and Management)

In the final campus team competition, teams from Huazhong Normal University, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan University, Soochow University and Beijing Jiaotong University exhibited their designs for a novel “Internet Plus” business pattern through a series of fifteen-minute presentations and a twenty-five minute questions and answers session with the judges. WHU's team showed an Internet business pattern combining Internet, electronic gaming, tourism, shared economies and other topics, brought together in a coherent, clear and convincing presentation, which won the highest compliment from the judges.

As representatives of the Chinese youth, Jiang, Xia, Qin and other four other youngsters selected during the competition are going forward to the 2015 APEC meeting in the Philippines, accompanying senior leaders of the People’s Republic of China in order to fulfill the expectation of promoting young Chinese voices abroad.

Modal APEC is a dynamic, engaging, thought-provoking and ground-breaking program, aimed at youth across the Asian-Pacific, with its feature of simulating the mechanisms of APEC. The campus team competition is a new session of Modal APEC this year to expose young students to innovative thinking towards economic development. Modal APEC is directed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC and the Youth League of China and was organized by APEC for Communication and Development and the Asian-Pacific Modal APEC Committee. More than 60 universities and thousands of college students within China take part in the event every year.

(Edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)