The 93th session of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) general meeting was held in Boston on March 10-14, 2015. About six thousand representatives in the field of dental research from all over the world attended the conference and a delegation from the School of Stomatology attended the meeting. During the meeting, Professor Zhuan Bian was elected the Regional Board Member of IADR-Asia/Pacific for a three-year term. It is also the first time a Chinese scholar was elected for the highest board position for the Asia and Pacific region in IADR.

IADR is one of the biggest international dental research groups with more than 12,000 members, and among them about 200 members come from China. The School of Stomatology, at Wuhan University is also home to the Chinese Division office of IADR. This association's Divisions/Branches in the Asia-Pacific region include the Australian/New Zealand Division, the Chinese Division, the Indian Division, the Japanese Division, the South Korean Division, the Southeast Asia Division and the Mongolian Section and finally, the Pakistanese Section. The main duty of an IADR-APR Board Member is to strengthen the communication between the divisions in the Asia-Pacific region and extend its relations with other regions, to promote the level of dental research in the Asia-Pacific region, and to further improve the oral health of the people in this region.
Dr. Zhuan Bian is the Dean and Professor of the School of Stomatology and Vice President of the Chinese Stomatological Association. He focuses on the molecular genetics research of oral craniofacial hereditary diseases. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and was funded over 18 national and provincial scientific research projects, including the "973" pre-plan project, a Key Project of the national natural science fund, and the International Cooperation and Exchange Project. He has won the second prize for the National Award of Science and Technology Progress and the second prize of the National Teaching Achievements. A doctoral dissertation which was mentored by him won the National Excellent Ph.D. dissertation in 2007.
Professor Bian actively participates in the IADR construction and took an active part in keynote presentation and panel discussion in the previous IADR meetings. These academic activities introduce the newest research progress of dentistry in China to the international peers and enhance the influence of the School of Stomatology in the world.
( Source: Research Office, School of Stomatology)