Between October 26th and November 2nd, 2014, Li Xiaohong, president of Wuhan University, led a delegation to Duke University in the U.S, Ottawa University and University of British Columbia in Canada, with whose leaders Li struck many cooperation agreements . In particular, Duke University and Wuhan University have decided to establish a WHU-DU Research Institute, in order to initiate substantive cooperation in a comprehensive and profound fashion. This cooperation will be achieved through the excellent opportunities to be presented by inter-disciplinary scientific research teamwork, which can be built on the success of Duke Kunshan University (DKU), a joint venture institution created by the two universities.
During the 2-day visit in Duke University, the WHU delegation conducted 11 in-depth and elaborate meetings with 40 Duke leaders, administrators and faculty heads, including Duke University’s President Richard Brodhead, Provost Sally Kornbluth, Executive Vice Provost Jim Roberts, Vice Provost Nora Bynumt , Vice Provost for Research Lawrence Carin, and former Vice Provost for Research James Siedow. The two sides carried out detailed discussions on how to deepen collaboration while implementing the existing joint academic cooperation down to the relevant faculties and professors, as well as on how to further support the development of DKU. These meetings enabled the various parties of Duke University to acquire a better understanding of Wuhan University and thus reach a consensus with the leaders of WHU on the necessity and feasibility of further mutual cooperation. Two universities also intend to establish a joint working mechanism regarding the scientific research collaboration, with the aim to expand the scope of the cooperation among professors in two universities. During the visit, Li and Duke President Richard Brodhead signed Statement of Principles On Establishing WHU-DUKE Research Institute at Duke Kunshan University Between WUHAN UNIVERSITY, CHINA And DUKE UNIVERSITY, USA. The Whu-Duke Research Institute will come into inauguration on November 17th in DKU.

In Ottawa University, President Allan Rock held a meeting with Li and the delegation, extending his most sincere welcome to them. The two sides started by providing a retrospective regarding the long history of the cooperation between the two universities. They highly acclaimed the frequent exchanges and the joint scientific research in the field of social security between two universities. Li and Allan signed agreements on joint undergraduate and graduate programs covering such disciplines as French, public mmanagement, and international relationship. The 2 universities also plan to establish a constructive and open cooperative relationship through the Excellent Undergraduate Program and the cooperation between the Sociology Department of WHU and that of the Ottawa University. Mrs Yang Xinyu, the minister-counsellor of the Education Office at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Canada attended the 2 sides meetings. Members of the WHU delegation also visited the Institute for Advanced Study, the School of Social Sciences, the INSPIRE Lab and the Department of Chemistry in Ottawa University, engaging in direct communication with the relevant scholars and professors which incurred the intention for cooperation.

In the University of British Columbia, the newly-appointed President Dr. Arvind Gupta expressed his utmost willingness to establish an official exchange relationship with Wuhan University, covering the joint establishment of the Center for Chinese Studies, the student exchange program in bio-sciences and sociology, the summer courses, and the graduate program on policy study. WHU delegation also visited the School of Chemistry and its labs, the Department of Anthropology, the School of Social Work, the Institute of Asia Studies, the International Student Exchange Office, the Bio-diversity Museum and the Anthropology Museum, etc.

After the visit, Li accepted the interview with Jiang Yaping, Chief of the Vancouver Branch of the Xinhua News Agency at the hotel. Prof Li spoke greatly about the results of this visit and about his feelings, as well as giving his opinions on building Wuhan University into a world-class university and promoting its internationalization.
(Rewritten by Liu Xueshuang, edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)