As previously reported, this summer nearly 100 students from different schools of WHU joined the summer session of University of California, Berkeley, King's College, Cambridge University and the University of Salzburg. This follow up news covers Han Tianjun, a WHU student's lively learning experience as well as his exposure to a cross cultural society during his journey in the University of California, Berkeley. This summer camp not only provided a valuable opportunity for him to embrace the foreign culture and society, it also changed his attitude towards learning and more importantly, towards life.
From July 6 to August 21, Han chose to take two courses, namely psychology of sleep and the music of voice, equaling 5 credits even though he is a student from the School of Power and Mechanical Engineering. These courses expanded his knowledge and gave him a chance to do what he really enjoyed doing. The course of psychology required him to write a lot of papers and spend time deliberating, so did other courses, while the music class was relatively less commanding and more entertaining. The teacher there was nice enough to prepare him for a performance in the audience hall in Berkeley.

All is new to me and I feel excited about everything

The music class teacher is very easy-going

This is a music piece in Italian

The campus of UC Berkley is very pleasant

Playing basketball helps me relieve the stress from study

We attend a barbecue party at a Professor's house

Sometimes I wander through the music stores to find inspiration for my performance.
In addition, Han also visited the Fisherman's Wharf, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Yosemite National Park, 17 miles, Disney Land, Universal Studios, and many more tourist attractions. The natural beauty and the cultural connotation of these places left an indelible imprint on him.

Fisherman's Wharf

The streets in San Francisco are home to all kinds of musicians

Yosemite National Park

Friendship is another precious thing I gained
The summer session at Berkley will remain a precious memory for Han, something to remember for the rest of his life. What he learnt is not only the school knowledge, but also people's positive attitute towards life. He became more self-reliant and will continue pursuing his love of music in the future.
(Phote by Han Tianjun, edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)