September 10th was the first day for freshmen of 2014 to take their first steps into Wuhan University. Also on this day, the whole nation celebrated the 30th Teachers’ Day to show their respect to teachers. President Li Xiaohong, who has worked as an educator for over 30 years, led freshmen representatives to an excursion around the century-old campus to show a warm welcome to these new comers.
Starting from the campus plaza where the archway on which “National Wuhan University” is engraved stands, President Li congratulated the students for being the first new students after the plaza was rebuilt. Then the President and the students came to visit the school library. “Our library is equipped with modern facilities and high technical products.” President Li proudly showed the students how 3D printers worked. He also advised students to spend more time in the library and read more books to enrich themselves.

Later, the party climbed onto the platform on the top of the Shizi hill, from which they had a panoramic view of the campus. After enjoying the early autumn view of Luojia hill, President Li and the students stepped into the school history museum, which is located on the platform and exhibits the long brilliant history of Wuhan University. Li pointed out that the museum is also called the Luojia Forum where only top class masters can give academic speeches.

When the one-hour tour was over, President Li gave students picture albums of Wuhan University as gifts. And students wished the President a happy Teachers’ Day.

“Wuhan University is touched with a sense of culture and history,” commented by Cheng Peng, a first year student from the school of history. “Thus, it is a really ideal place to study history here.” For these freshmen, this is the first lesson they have attended since they set on the journey of campus life, which would leave them a vivid memory.
(Rewritten by Yue Rao, edited by Gerard & Sijia Hu)