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The First College-Based Compilation & Translation Center Established at WHU

Author:Qin Zunlu

On April 19, Wuhan University (WHU) established the Compilation & Translation Center, the first college-based translation center in China. Present at the Establishment Ceremony were Li Xiaohong, the President of WHU, as well as Zhou Chuangbing and Xie Hongxing, Vice Presidents of WHU. President Li noted that the Center would help speed up WHU’s internationalization, improve its international competitiveness and enhance the capacity of WHU College of Foreign Language and Literature’s teaching staff.

As an academic service institution, the Center’s main purpose is to translate WHU scholars’ academic works. Its goal is to strengthen WHU’s academic influence and international reputation and to promote Chinese culture and soft power.

At the ceremony, Du Qinggang, the director of the Center and Dean of the College of Foreign Language and Literature, explained the four major tasks of the Center: translating and preparing WHU’s research papers to be publishable in foreign languages; translating WHU’s most influential works on arts, humanities and social science; publishing translated overseas works in Chinese; and translating Chinese classics.

Vice President Xie noted that by promoting WHU’s exemplary scientific research globally, the center would enhance WHU’s international standing, as well as further develop the multi-disciplinary approach of the College of Foreign Language and Literature. Vice President Xie expressed his hope that all the WHU departments and colleges could support the development of the Center so as to make it a shinning example of academic innovation.