On March 28th, Rambo, the French Consulate General in Wuhan presented the “Palm Tree Leaf” to Wuhan University School of Electronic Information Professor Sun Hong, commending her for the outstanding contribution she has made to the Sino-French educational and cultural exchanges and relationship between the two countries.

Sun Hong, in her speech, thanked the French government and those who have contributed to the success of the exchanges. She expressed her determination in the promotion of Sino-French cooperation and exchange in technology and education.
Sun Hong, the leading expert in Information and Communication Engineering at WHU, has been cooperating with electronic information laboratories in higher education institutions in France such as Telecom Paris. She has published over 20 academic papers in national and international journals with French scientists. Sun Hong established and developed a signal processing laboratory and created the information and communication engineering discipline. By joint training doctorate and postgraduate students, she has cultivated many international talents. She has been a strong advocate of higher education exchange between two countries valuing the “French engineer elite education” model.
The French education “Palm Tree Leaf” medal is based on a commendatory system established by Napoleon. It is the highest honor in French education and is divided into three levels: knight, officer and commander. It is awarded to those who have made significant contribution to French educational cooperation, technological exchange and cultural communication. Up to now, a total of more than 30 Chinese scholars have received this medal.