The Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) have announced that five scholars from Wuhan University (WHU) are among their 2011 new fellows. The new CAE members are Li Xiaohong and Li Jiancheng, and the new CAS members are Zhang Lina, Gong Jianya and Shu Hongbing.

Li Xiaohong

Li Jiancheng

Zhang Lina

Gong Jianya

Shu Hongbing
In total, WHU has sixteen fellows of the academies, a high number compared to other top universities. Among the sixteen, seven are CAS members, eight are CAE members and one is a member of both CAS and CAE.
The new WHU fellows are a young, diverse, record setting group.
First, the number of new fellows has broken the WHU record. Moreover, Zhang Lina is not only WHU’s first female scholar to be a member of the academies, but also the only new female member in this year’s new CAS members.
Second, this year’s new fellows are an unusually young group from the 1950s and 1960s. Shu Hongbing at 44, is the youngest of the newly new scholars from WHU, while Li Jiancheng at 46, is the youngest of all the new CAE fellows in China.
Third, their fields of study are exceptionally diverse: six members work in Surveying Engineering fields (among this group is the member of both CAS and CAE), three in the Life Sciences, three in Chemistry, two in Hydrology and Water Resources and one in Mining Engineering.
Among the fifty-one CAS new fellows and fifty-four CAE fellows, Zhang Lina is affiliated to Division of Chemistry, Gong Jianya is affiliated to Division of Earth Sciences, Shu Hongbing is affiliated to Division of Life Sciences, Li Xiaohong is affiliated to Division of Energy and Mining Engineering, and Li Jiancheng is affiliated to Civil, Hydraulic and Architecture Engineering.
In addition, two WHU alumni also achieved membership this year. Wan Weixing, who graduated from the WHU Radio Propagation Department, has been selected as CAS member. He is currently a professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics. Kang Shaozhong, who graduated from Wuhan Hydraulic and Electric Engineering Institute in 1982, has been selected as CAE member. He is currently a professor at China Agricultural University.