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Recognized Achievement in Rice Bph Genes Research Field

Author:Hu Sijia

Recognized Achievement in Rice Bph Genes Research Field

Published:11-10-2011Author:Hu SijiaViews:848

He Guangcun Awarded DBN Special Prize for Science or Technology

Recently, the “Research on Development and Utilization of the Rice Bph (brown planthopper) Genes” project, conducted by Professor He Guangcun from WHU’s School of Life Sciences, won the 7th DBN(Da Bei Nong) Principal Award for Science or Technology. DBN Technology Group set up this prize to reward scientists who have made contributions to agricultural applied research and this year two projects were awarded the principal prize.

The brown planthopper is the primary pest to the production of rice, one of the most important crops in China. Despite preventative measures, the Bph still threaten hundreds of million acres, severly hampering safe rice production in China. Developing and utilizing Bph Genes presents a potential way to minimize the harm caused by Bph, along with the cultivation of rice resistance breed.

He Guangcun’s research group, devoted to the research of Bph Genes since 1996, has accomplished a series of leading results on the development, identification, cloning and utilization of rice Bph Genes. The research group has published more than 50 articles in SCI periodicals such as PNAS、Plant Cell、Genetics. The group has also successfully applied for 6 invention patents (2 PCT international patent), which has put China in the leading role of research on rice Bph Genes. Planting green anti-pest rice avoids the use of pesticides, while limiting the harm of Bph, thus bringing huge social and economical benefits.

Professor He Guangcun explained that the research results have both value to furthering the science and already has pratical significance. Prof. He also expressed that his group was encouraged to be recognized by the DBN for their achievements.