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President Hu Jintao Visited WHU-Run Enterprises


On June 1st, Chinese President Hu Jintao paid an inspection visit to Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone. Wuda Geoinformatics Co., Ltd. (GeoStar) and Wuda Zoyon Science and Technology Co., Ltd., two representative excellent enterprises which transform into commercial products the scientific achievements of the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing at WHU made a report of their technological achievements to President Hu.

Song Aihong, Associate Professor of the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing at WHU and the Deputy General Manager of GeoStar introduced the high-tech achievement “Map World” to President Hu: “‘Map World’ is a geographical services website released by the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (SBSM).The software platform for the core technology of this website is independently developed by GeoStar. ‘Map World’ can not only provide free online geographical information services for the people, but also serve the government and the enterprises.”

President Hu was satisfied with the report.

In Zoyon, the Board Chairman Cao Min made an introduction of Zoyon from the enterprise development, WHU’s strong technological support and independent innovation of their corporation.

President Hu praised Zoyon for its achievements in the field of advanced detection.

After the visit, President Hu gave a speech on the independent innovation of the enterprises in the East Lake High-tech Development Zone. He encouraged the enterprises in the zone to promote scientific and technological innovation by making full use of the state policies, grasp more intellectual property rights and make greater contribution to the emerging strategic industry of our country.