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WHU Student English Correspondent Group holds latest gathering

Author:Fu Yuqi

On March 8, the regular new-semester meeting of the WHU Student English Correspondent Group (SECG) was hosted in the conference hall of the International Exchange and Service Center. The meeting was attended by members of the SECG and divided into four parts: a speech delivered by the group’s advisor, Sylvia Schroeder, an award ceremony, a review of the previous semester’s work, and a puzzle game.

At the beginning of the meeting, Sylvia praised the members for their outstanding work. She stressed the efforts devoted by journalists, editors, translators, designers, and photographers as part of WHU’s 130th anniversary: “The last semester was an extremely busy semester for all of you. You published a range of articles, writing about the anniversary celebrations and reporting on various other activities. Undoubtedly, you have done a great job.” She also reminded the group of the duties ahead and looked forward to even more creative and well-structured works.

Then came the award ceremony during which excellent members of the group were invited to the stage to receive certificates. The other members present also came to the front to take a group photograph.

Following this, the various group leaders summarized their respective group’s work, paying attention to every member’s contribution illustrated by the titles or activities on an overall chart. The editing and the translation groups also spoke about the adjustments made to their planning and task execution processes, which have enhanced overall efficiency and mitigated members’ pressure.

The highlight of the meeting was the puzzle game. Li Jing, the president of the SECG, explained the game rules and invited some lucky members to participate in the game. The hall was soon filled with happiness and everyone enjoying the game. Sylvia had prepared a big surprise, sharing a home-made cake to celebrate this new semester together.

The WHU Student English Correspondent Group, which is the official student cultural organization of Wuhan University, exclusively representing the school in English news reporting, document translation, and international exchange activities, vowed to spare no effort to create more productive and high-quality works in the new semester.

Written by Fu Yuqi

Photo by Zhang Juchen

Edited by Zhang Juchen