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Universities, Classes and Teaching Missions
Author:Luo Yuting  Date:2015-03-05  Clicks:

University is a sacred place for teachers to impart knowledge and moral values as well as to perform their teaching duty. The duty of teachers is to educate students and help them grow into pillars of the nation. Since university students are in the phase of shaping their values, so what teachers say and teach in classes has great influence on the formation of their values. Right values help students develop into outstanding talents who will make contributions to the country, while wrong values might make students go astray and even do harm to the society.

For universities, the key to cultivate outstanding students that are developing morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically is the teacher. University teachers should make good use of classes to educate students and promote students’ comprehensive development and their healthy growth. With regard to teaching activities in university classes, teachers should bear in mind the following aspects:

The relation between knowledge and value. Teaching knowledge and imparting moral values should be combined. Teachers should guide students in choosing right direction and value orientation.

The relation between criticism and reference. Teachers should analyze western knowledge combining Marxism and practical approach, then borrow the beneficial parts critically rather than merely introduce western philosophy, laws, politics, economics to students.

The relation between liberty and duty. University teachers are endowed the freedom of academic exploration and speech, but they also have the duty stipulated by the country’s educational policy, laws and university statutes. So they should stay objective and put aside personal emotions in classes.

(Rewritten by Aoqi Li, edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)


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