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Lei Aiwen
Author:  Date:2014-12-29  Clicks:

Editorial Board Member of Chemistry – An Asian Journal

International Advisory Board Member of ChemSusChem

Editorial Board Member of Chinese Chemical Letters

Editorial Advisory Board Member of Current Organocatalysis


·  Ph. D., Organic Chemistry, July, 2000, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China,  Supervisor - Prof. Xiyan Lu

·  B.S., Chemistry Education, July, 1995,   Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, Anhui Province, P. R. China

Research Interest

·  Developing highly selective and efficient transition-metal-catalyzed C-C, and C-heteroatom bond formation in syntheses, e.g. oxidative coupling reactions, C-H bond functionalization

·  Small molecule (such as CO, O2, N2O, H2O2, NH3, ClO2-, etc.) activation with an emphasis on applying such molecules in efficient synthetic methods

·  Mechanistic studies including kinetic and  active intermediate studies

Research Experience

  • 2005.3-         Professor of Wuhan University
  • 2003.8-2005.3,  Research Associate,  Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, US, with Professor James, P. Collman
  • 2000.8-2003.8   Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, the Pennsylvania State University, US, with Professor Xumu Zhang
  • 1995.9-2000.7   Graduate Studies,  Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China (SIOC), with Professor Xiyan Lu

Selected Awards

·   Chinese Chemistry Society-Royal Society of Chemistry Young Chemist Award, 2014

·   Guest Professor, University of Münster, 2013

·   Asian Rising Stars (15th ACC Meeting), 2013

·   Hubei Province Youth Medal, 2013

·   NanKai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry,2013

·   First-Class Natural Science Award of Hubei Province, 2012

·   Eli Lilly Scientific Excellence Award in Chemistry, 2011

·   Lectureship Award under the New Phase Asian Core Program on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia, Singapore, 2011

·   Lectureship Awardee of Asian International Symposium for Outstanding Young Scientists,2011

·   Lectureship Award under the New Phase Asian Core Program on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia, Japan, 2011

·   National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, China, 2010

·   CAPA (Chinese-American Chemistry & Chemical Biology Professors Association)Distinguished Faculty Award, 2009

·   Chinese Chemistry Society-John Wiley Young Chemist Award, 2008

·   Royal Society Chemistry Journal Grant, 2008

·   Synthesis & Synlett  Journal Award, 2008

·   Wuxi Pharmtech Biological & Organic Creative Award, 2007

·   Luojia Scholarship Professor (Wuhan University),  2007-

·   Outstanding Young Scientist of Hubei Province,  2006

Interview with Professor Lei Aiwen: http://en.whu.edu.cn/info/1050/1770.htm


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