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Campus Life

Cleaning activity carried out successfully

On March 5, 2018,Youth Volunteers Association in our school held a cleaning activity. The volunteers spent over an hour scavenging the street from the secondary primary school attached to Wu Han University to tennis court in Department of Engineering. Ultimately, the event drew to a successful close with very clean streets and everyone felt happy and satisfied.

At 2 p.m., the volunteers gathered together in front of the gate of the secondary primary school to prepare for this cleaning activity. Everyone had a garbage bag and a pickup pliers in hand, and they put rubbish and fallen leaves along the street into their garbage bags. With the amount of rubbish in the bags increasing, the street became cleaner and cleaner. In this activity, the volunteers showed great passion and finished work energetically for contributing for our beautiful campus. You can see them bending down to pick up litters no matter in buildings covered with fallen leaves or beside the garbage can with garbage around. "I think I can accumulate social experience by the activity. What's more, our campus can become more pretty. It's funny and meaningful." Said a volunteer who attended this activity.

The main purpose of this activity is to carry forward the Lei Feng spirit. In the Learning from Lei Feng Month, these volunteers want to do more good deeds to benefit our school and schoolmates. According to the principal's introduction, this section of the road has large population flow, which makes more garbage then other sections do, so they choose this section to do such an activity hoping to make contributions to the environment of our school.

On March 5, forty years ago, Chairman Mao wrote "Learn from Lei Feng", today, Youth Volunteers Association in the school carried out this activity to practice this sentence by their actual actions. Hoping that not only in March but also in everyday can our students do good deeds to carry forward the Lei Feng’s spirit as well as protect the environment in our university.