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As Great a Professor as an Ambassador
Author:Hanxu Wang  Date:2015-07-09  Clicks:

On July 4th, Luo Zhaohui, current Chinese ambassador to Canada, paid a visit to Wuhan University. He was appointed as a guest professor in the School of Political Science and Public Administration for the duration of three years. The ceremony of his appointment and his academic report were held in the lecture hall.

Luo was born in Hubei, and graduated from Central China Normal University and Peking University with degrees in history. Throughout his diplomatic career he  served as Chinese ambassador plenipotentiary to Pakistan, the Director of the Safety Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Director of the Asian Section. He is also the author of several books on India, Buddhist Culture in the East.

He was awarded the guest professor certificate by Han Jin, Chair of the University Council at WHU.

In Luo Zhaohui’s report on Large Peripheral Diplomacy and Sino-Canadian relationship. He first exposed his appreciation for his job and outlined the heavy responsibilities his position comprises. Luo pledged his determination to contribute to the advancement of WHU. He then elaborated on some features of the Sino-Canadian relationship and China’s important concepts and major measures in promoting the bilateral relationship. He also talked about diplomatic projects such as Belt, Road and FTA and the conditions impacting the Chinese diplomacy today.

Luo is making a report.

In the interaction session, Luo shared some funny experiences as a diplomat, bringing some unexpected stories to faculty and students of WHU.

(Edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)


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