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Man Man and Her Cats in Luojia
Author:Man Man & Yinglun Liu  Date:2015-12-30  Clicks:

Freelancer, painter, illustrator… this is me, Yao Dan, or Man Man, to some people. A Wuhan-based techno geek, I live the way I want, and paint the life I live. Still remains my heart in all the sound and the fury, free from the angst of aging and the disturbance of quotidian.

My inspiration is the five years I spent in the vicinity of Luojia Mountain. During these years I’ve made acquaintances with many homeless cats who I believe have souls that are just like ours. I’ve always wanted to do something for these cats. That’s why I took up my paint brushes in hopes that they could be known to more people. It is my heartfelt wish for my pictures to be seen, and the homeless cats to be remembered.

The following pictures are dedicated to all who love the Luojia Mountains as much as I do, and wish every soul in the Luojia Mountians like me, you and these cats be the best comfort for each other.

(Guo Xinnan contributed to this article)


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