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WHU Team Won the First Place in the 36th GMC for China Region
Author:  Date:2016-03-18  Clicks:

The 36th Global Management Challenge (the 20th China Region GMC ) was held in Beijing on 12 March.

Three students from MBA program (Xiongrui, Zhenxin, Lijie) on behalf of Wuhan University named “Sifanggu” have participated the competition and achieved the first place in the contest.

The competition attracted 150 Chinese universities with 2000 teams which lasted 4 4 months. The “Sifanggu” team will represent China to participate in the global finals held in Macau in April.


Global Management Challenge (GMC) is a strategic management competition for managers and university students which is accredited by EFMD, the concept of the competition emerged in 1980 in Portugal.The Global Management Challenge is now the world's biggest strategic management competition. More than 400,000 university students and company managers around the world participated since 1980.

(Resource: School of Economics and Manaagement)


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