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National standard of navigable electronic maps led by Li Bijun issued
Author:Chen Liqiong  Date:2018-06-11  Clicks:

Standards Press of China published the national standard GB/T 35646-2017, namely Basic requirements of incremental updating of navigable electronic maps. This standard is drafted and directed by Professor Li Bijun from State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University. This Requirementswill officially come into force on July 1st, 2018.

In 2013, the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC) issued the national standards development and revision plan (SAC Comprehensive No. 90 in 2013). Basic requirements of incremental updating of navigable electronic mapswas included in the plan. Wuhan University and National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC) is one of the main institutions responsible for drawing up the Requirements.

In early January 2014, Wuhan University set up a project group to draw up the Requirementsand started the compilation and formulationwork. Many famous scientific research institutions and map production enterprises in China participated in the compilation of this Requirements, such as NGCC, NavInfo Co., Ltd. and AutoNavi Co.,Ltd., etc.

Taking advantage of the Li’s leading research achievements in electronic map change detection, crowdsourcing modeling, incremental updating, real view map and multi-mode navigation, the nationalRequirementshas been formulated after repeated experimentation and based on extensive investigation on China’s industry competent department, automobile manufacturers and navigable electronic maps manufacturers. The group took account of government management, industry development, manufacturers' production as well as quality management of testing institutions, etc. Also, this national Requirementsspecifies the basic requirements of the data content of incremental updating of navigable electronic maps, data organization, management and transmission, etc.

This Requirementscontributes to promoting the sharing of electronic maps and enhancing the quality of service. It can also address the severe consequences caused by respectively closed resources, such as a large number of overlapping investments by national government departments and map manufacturers. Therefore, it will benefit the society and the economy. Meanwhile, it can guide the present and future production and application of driverless technology and electronic maps of connected vehicle.

(Rewritten by Ge Chao)

(Edited by Zheng Lingling, Shen Yuxi, Liu Jiachen and Liu Xiaoli)


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