On November 29, 2020, the 127th anniversary of the founding of Wuhan University, a special performance themed “We Sail on the Love Journey Home” was successfully held to celebrate the victory against COVID-19, and to commemorate the miraculous time when all teachers and staff, students and alumni united as one in combat.
At 19:30, the grand show unwrapped itself at the Student Activity Center of the Information Department of Wuhan University with Let me Say Thank You, a gesture dance choreographed by nurses from Zhongnan Hospital who were in the front line of the combat. In the ICUs, they are brave soldiers against death; now, on stage, with masks off, they are angels full of love.

Let me Say Thank You
The first climax came when some of the heroes in the COVID-19 combat were invited to the stage to be presented with bouquets. People rose to applaud for a long time, giving them heartfelt gratitude and deep respect.

Heroes of the COVID-19 combat receiving bouquets
The second climax was a representation of the alumni fighting side by side. Wuhan University Alumni Association (WHUAA) was the first unofficial organization to take action during the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan. They purchased countless epidemic prevention supplies from all over the world via the alumni network and gave them to those in need for free. The WHUAA Beijing Branch alone raised donations for the combat of more than 40 million RMB in three months. Besides money and materials, they also provided knowledge and expertise. Their stories and accounts sent shockwaves through the audience. The students felt proud of the alumni and their Alma Mater, WHU.
Stand up Wuhan, My Hero Forever, a poetry recitation by Yan Jilie, Li Jinfeng, Lu Ming, Liu Di and Shi Qing pushed the show to the utmost climax. In the performance, time rewound to thousands of years ago. They brought the audience back to many historical periods, starting with the establishment of Wuhan, and showed all the great challenges Wuhan faced, especially the COVID-19 outbreak. When they expressed their deepest faith and best wishes for Wuhan, the audience broke into thunderous applause.

Stand up Wuhan, My Hero Forever
Close to the end, Wang Jinyuan, a national first-class actress, immersed the audience in beautiful songs, Point to the Moon with Left Hand and Cherry Blossoms Again, accompanied by dance performances by postgraduates, volunteers and faculty. As winter passed, cherry blossoms, the symbol of hope, appeared again, enhancing people’s faith that we are sure to beat the coronavirus.

Wang Jinyuan and accompanying dancers from WHU
When the performance finally drew its curtain, thunderous applause kept ringing in the auditorium.
Zou Pengzhi, a freshman from the School of Printing and Packaging, said with infinite deep love, “As a new WHUer, I’m more than moved and privileged to watch the show right on WHU’s 127th birthday.” What impressed her was that so many seniors stuck to their work and shone with all they have during the epidemic situation -- not only for WHU, but also for the whole nation. She was embraced by the unsurpassed cohesion of WHUers and determined to be a patriotic WHUer who carries social responsibility and national identity, just like her senior fellows.
A parent who came with his daughter also spoke highly of the exhibition, “It is absolutely inspiring,” he said, “Especially when you immerse yourself in 8,000 years of history of Wuhan and the profound culture of Wuhan University.”
Photo by Zou Pengzhi
Edited by Chen Jiaqi, Wei Yena, Yin Xiaoxue