On December 10, WHU held an online conference with Dublin City University discussing important issues over the cooperative graduate education program in software engineering studies. Li Fei, Vice President of WHU, Huang Chuanhe and Dubo, Vice Deans of the School of Computer Science and relevant officials from Graduate School and the Office of International Affairs also participated in the meeting. The delegates had an in-depth exchange of views on the program with DCU counterparts.
On behalf of WHU, Vice President Li Fei extended his heartfelt appreciation for the great efforts DCU had made for this program. “As it represents WHU’s first sino-foreign cooperative graduate education project approved by the Ministry of Education, WHU will give it full support, so as to make it a role model for future projects.” he indicated.

Vice President Li Fei (Second from left) and WHU officials
Jennifer Bruton, head of the School of Electronic Engineering, said that the pandemic had brought numerous obstacles and challenges to the cooperation. But she believes that with joint efforts and mutual communication, the two schools will get over those setbacks and gain great progress in this program. Guided by the principal of student-orientation, DCU will contribute to its due share in improving the quality of online teaching, and investing adequate resources to provide students with perfect cultural experience and academic education.

Online conference screen shot
Participants briefly reviewed students’ performance in the 2019-2020 academic year, and negotiated details over recruitment, academic structure, requirements, schedules and plans for the next year. Since the two sides have already had several rounds of discussions, the process went on quite smoothly based on former consensus.
As the first and only graduate program approved by the Ministry of Education at WHU, it is of paramount significance in introducing high-quality foreign educational resources, drawing on the beneficial experience from foreign universities and offering students of WHU a broadened horizon and a global vision. A successful implementation of the program will be a mutual beneficial and win-win progress for the both sides.
Edited by Yu Jianan, Wei Yena, Li Yushan and Hu Sijia