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Prof. Guo Xibao wins the fifth Liu Shibai Award in Economics
Author:Xiong Manjun, Jin Zhida, Shen Shixiong  Date:2020-11-27  Clicks:

Recently, Professor Guo Xibao from School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University won the fifth Liu Shibai Award in Economics, which was granted for his book A Research On Transformation Of Economic Structures Towards High-Quality Development. It was another national prize in economics won by Professor Guo Xibao this year after he won the Award for Outstanding Scientific Research Achievements (Humanities & Social Sciences) of Higher Education Institutions by the Ministry of Education and the eighth Zhang Peigang Development Economics Outstanding Achievement Award.

The cover of A Research on Transformation of Economic Structures Towards High-Quality Development

Published by Economic Science Press in December 2019, A Research on Transformation of Economic Structures Towards High-Quality Development was the conclusion achievement of Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Science Research funded by the Ministry of Education. With 540,000 words, this book delved into the inner mechanism of China’s economic restructuring from high speed growth to high quality growth from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In this book, China’s economic structure was divided into demand structure, input structure, industrial structure, urban and rural structure and regional structure, and the dynamic evolution process of each structure was examined in detail. For the first time, the dynamic evolution of economic structure in different development stages was comprehensively discussed from five aspects, and the five single structures were transformed into an organic unity through investment variables, so that each structure interrelated and interacted with each other.

Liu Shibai Award in Economics was named after the 95-year-old economist Professor Liu Shibai (Honorary president to Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and excellent alumnus of Wuhan University) in 2012. This Prize is reviewed every two year with about 10 academic research outcomes elected each time. Till 2020, five elections have been held.

Rewritten by Cao Mi

Edited by Qin Shihan and Hu Sijia

Source: https://news.whu.edu.cn/info/1015/62496.htm


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