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Cell Host & Microbe Publishes Shu Hongbing’ Research Group’s Finding

Author:Xue Yang

On 8th October, Shu Hongbing’s research group, from WHU’s School of Life Sciences, published its latest finding on antiviral natural immunity on Cell Host & Microbe, with doctoral student Zhou Qian as the first author and Shu Hongbing and Wang Yanyi (a researcher from Wuhan Virus Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Sciences) as the corresponding authors.

Professor Shu Hongbing titled his article The ER-Associated Protein ZDHHC1 Is a Positive Regulator of DNA Virus-Triggered, MITA/STING-Dependent Innate Immune Signaling. As the simplest organism, a virus has to infect host cells to duplicate and survive. Innate immunity is the first defense against virus infection, thus playing an essential role in-host cells’ antiviral immunity. The first key step in regards to the host cells’ innate immune response is inducing cell synthesis and secreting type I interferon (IFN).

The research of Shu Hongbing’s group is of great significance to finding out more about DNA virus type I interferon induced expression and antiviral natural immunity molecular mechanisms.

Shu Hongbing’s research group gained a series of victories in the field of antiviral natural immune response since 2005. The group published more than 80 articles in well-known international journals such as Immunity、Molecular Cell、Cell Host & Microbe、PNAS、Plos Pathogens、Cell Research and so on. One article has been cited more than 800 times within the SCI.

(Rewritten by Xin Liu, edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)