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The World Economic Forum’s Best Proposal Comes from a WHU Professor

Author:Xiaohuan Wu

From September 5th to 9th, Professor Qin Tianbao, Vice Dean of WHU’s Law School, attended the World Economic Forum. His proposal calling for a treaty for soil protection was held in high regard and has been accepted by the forum.

Before the conference, Qin submitted an initiative entitled “We Need an International Treaty of Soil Protection”, which stood out from hundreds of proposals and was selected as one of the eight best proposals of this forum.

At the closing ceremony, Pascal Lamy, the former general director of the World Trade Organization, spoke highly of the proposal. He particularly pointed out that the proposal of the environment protection put forward at the economic forum fit this forum’s theme of economic reconstruction and social transformation better, and reflected the sustainable development of economy and society more properly.

The forum focused on “Economic Reconstruction and Social Transformation”, the major target of which was to step toward the sustainable economy, the fair society and the appropriate governance. More than 1000 government officials, enterprise senior managers and distinguished scholars including Muhyiddin, Vice Premier of Malaysia and Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Winner of the Nobel Economics Prize were in attendance.

The World Economic Forum has been held by the world-famous thank tank—the German Kiel Institute of World Economy. Every year, it invites elites of industry, government, academy and society from all over the world to discuss the issues of the global common concerns such as economy, society and environment, and to work out solutions. The forum has been sponsored by Germany and some other countries in turn since 2008. It was the first time that it has been held in Asia.

(Rewritten by Aoqi Li, edited by Gerard & Sijia Hu)