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Cell to Publish for the First Time an Article by WHU’s Doctor

Author:Tianjun Ai, Xiangyi Zhu

On June 17th, Wuhan University’s research results of a research on new regulation mechanism of RNA in mitochondrion were officially accepted by Cell, and are scheduled for publication on July 31st. The research is totally completed in Wuhan University, with Zhang Xiaorong, a doctoral student from School of Life Sciences as the first author, and Prof. Fu Xiangdong as the corresponding author.

Titled “MicroRNA Directly Enhances Mitochondria1 Translation during Muscle Differentiation”, the article reveals the new regulation mechanism of mitochondrion translation and provides a new explanation for the development progress of muscle cells. Mitochondrion, a semi-autonomous organelle with its own system of transcription and translation, exists in all eukaryotic cells. They provide direct energy ATP, in addition to participating in the progresses of cellular metabolism, signal transduction, programmed cell death and so on.

An important fact to be taken into account is the numerous measures taken by the School of Life Sciences such as “Candlelight Navigation Plan” and “Candle Warmth Plan”. These measures put a strong emphasis on students, scholars, academics, high level discipline standards, and study environment, with the purpose of strengthening the communication and interaction between teachers and students.

In these years, the School of Life Sciences has fostered many excellent graduates, 80% of whom have been accepted by universities and research institutes such as Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, Duke University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Postgraduates have published a significant amount of influential papers on ImmunityDevelopmentMolecular CellCell Host & MicrobeNature CommunicationsPNASPlant CellHepatologyPLos BiologyMolecular Biology and EvolutionPLos PathogensPLos GeneticsCell. In addition to these accomplishments, Zhong Bo and Li Ying’s doctoral theses were awarded the “National 100Excellent Doctoral Dissertation”.

(Rewritten by Xin Liu, Edited by Diana & Sijia Hu)