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WHU Won 8 National Scientific Awards

Author:Sijia Hu

On January 10th, at the 2013 National Science and Technology Award Ceremony in Beijing, Wuhan University won 7 awards for research and one partner working in conjunction with WHU, Fabio Rocca won a prize as well.

A project “bio-reactor of rice endosperm cell and its application”, led by WHU's School of Life Sciences Professor Yang Daichang, won second prize of National Technology Invention Award. This invention can be applied in large-scale manufacture and recombination of human serum albumin so as to address the scarcity in plasma and possible security problems.

The project “the technology research and application of bilinear hybrid rice” in which Chinese Academy of Engineering member and WHU's School of Life Sciences Professor Zhu Yingguo has taken part won the grand prize of National Award in Technology Progress. The project “domestically developed high resolution stereo graph mapping and application of key technologies” in which the director of WHU’s State Key Lab of Information Sciences in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing and Chinese Academy of Sciences member Gong Jianya has been involved won the first prize of National Award in Technology Progress. The project “high-performance secondary battery electrode, electrolyte materials and related technology” in which WHU’s school of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences Professor Yang Hanxi has been engaged won the second prize of National Technology Invention Award. Three other projects won the second prize of National Technology Progress Awards.

Fabio Rocca, a chief scientist in radar and remote sensing at the European Space Agency and who cooperates with WHU’s State Key Lab of Information Sciences in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, won the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award.

In 2013, 10 scientists and 313 projects were presented with the National Science and Technology Awards.