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WHU contributes to organization of 3rd UN Job Fair

Author:Zhang Wenjia, Zhang Jing

On the afternoon of April 27, the opening ceremony of the 3rd UN Job Fair was successfully held online by the China Scholarship Council, with Wuhan University participating as the organizer of the activity. Qu Wenqian, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of WHU, attended the conference and offered an introduction of higher education at WHU, sharing WHU’s measures and experience in global competence training.

WHU attending the opening ceremony of the 3rd UN Job Fair

On the afternoon of April 28, a special session for the 3rd UN Job Fair was hosted by WHU. Officials from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) delivered an online speech as guest speakers, while several WHU students attended the session offline at the Student Career Guidance and Service Center and the Hongyi Honor College of WHU.

Ms. Fatima Peregrino Brimah from IOM giving the presentation

Ms. Fatima Peregrino Brimah, Director of Human Resources of the IOM, and Mr. Rafael Trejo, Internship Programme Associate of the IOM, shared information on the IOM’s development, benefits, bonuses and recruitment and provided detailed suggestions on how to improve the competitiveness of the application online. Afterwards, they had an interactive exchange with students from different universities, answering questions about the positive role of migrants in promoting cultural exchange and world peace, recruitment requirements, occupations, professional challenges of working at the IOM, and changes at the IOM during the time of the epidemic, and encouraging students to actively apply for and participate in UN internships.

Rafael Trejo answering questions in the Q&A session

Prof. Cui Xiaojing from the School of Law at WHU stated that Chinese youth were never short of enthusiasm and competence for global governance. She expected deeper cooperation between WHU and the IOM, which would contribute to a broader platform for the cultivation of talents for international organizations.

Prof. Cui Xiaojing delivering a concluding speech

The session was one in a series of activities of the 3rd UN Job Fair organized by the China Scholarship Council. The event invites international organizations such as UNESCO to hold special sessions jointly with several universities in China. Representatives from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum, Zhengzhou University, Chongqing University, Sichuan University and other universities attended the IOM session, with a total of 586 participants.

WHU has been involved in training international organization talents across campus since 2017. WHU initially explored a development path for the training of international organization talents by designing recommender platforms for international organization internships, developing Sino-foreign joint training programs, and establishing experimental classes of international law and classes of global governance and international organization talents.

Photo by Liu Xuan and Lin Yangjie

Edited by Li Jing, Qin Zehao, Liang Tong, Zou Xiaohan, Xi Bingqing, Sylvia