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Professor Wu Feng Was Awarded the French Palm Chivalric Medal of Education

Author:Tianqi Zou

On September 24th, in the conference hall of School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Prof. Wu Feng was awarded the French Palm Chivalric Medal of Education. French Consul General Philippe Martinet and his colleagues from French Consulate General in Wuhan, WHU Vice President Li Fei, Prof. Gilles Mailhot from Blaise Pascal University and President of School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Prof. Liu Yaolin were there to celebrate Prof. Wu’s academic and research excellence as well as his great contribution to the international scientific collaborations between China and France.

Prof. Wu’s speech

Chivalric Medal is one of the French Medals of Honor, founded by Napoleon. In 1963, under the French President Charles De Gaulle's advocacy, Chivalric Medal became French government's highest honor at the national level. Besides rewarding French citizens who made outstanding contributions to the nation, the medal also awards foreign citizens who helped France to promote the development of international relations.

French Consul General Philippe conferred the medal

Prof. Wu is a distinguished scholar in the fields of environmental chemistry and advanced oxidation processes. He has received more than ten grants from National Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education, Hubei Provincial government and other funding sources, authored and edited eight monographs, published more than one hundred SCI-indexed papers, and developed ten patents.

Prof. Mailhot and Prof. Wu

Prof. Wu’s collaboration with his French colleagues started almost a decade ago. In 2006, with the support of China Scholarship Council and the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program, Prof. Wu and his PhD supervisor Prof. Deng Nansheng started their collaborations with Prof. Mailhot at Blaise Pascal University . As moderators, Prof. Wu and Prof. Mailhot started a Sino-French research network on environmental photochemistry, including Blaise Pascal University , The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Henri Poincaré University from France , as well as WHU, Fudan University , and Nanjing University from China . With their shared research goals, deep academic interests, passions for cooperation, Prof. Wu, Prof. Mailhot, and colleagues in the research network have continued their collaborative work for almost a decade and have produced a fruitful line of research.

Group photo of Participants

After received the medal, Prof. Wu expressed his appreciation towards French government, his supervisor Prof. Mailhot and Prof. Deng for their support and help. This medal is a great honor to Prof. Wu as well as WHU, which could be taken as another starting point, to strengthen our academic collaboration and student exchanges and to achieve greater academic and research excellence.

(Photo by Shuanghong Sheng, editd by Editing Group & Sijia Hu)