On May 15th, Max Baucus, less than three months after he became ambassador to China, visited Wuhan University to discuss health care and education.
Ambassador Baucus first went to the HOPE School of Nursing, where he, along with WHU Executive President, Feng Youmei, and the Dean of HOPE School of Nursing, Marica Petrini, visited the Nursing Simulation Lab and Research Center, the Comprehensive Simulation Rehabilitation Center, and the Long-Distance Teaching Center. Ambassador Baucus commended the center’s modern operations. He also had cordial chats with teachers and students, and carefully studied some of the equipment. He was particularly interested in autism treatment and simulation teaching method, which he noted has great practical value.
Afterwards, Ambassador Baucus was welcomed by President Li Xiaohong and various school leaders where they had a conference concerning China and globalization of WHU.
At the Old Library, the decorative wall pictures attracted Ambassador Baucus’s attention and President Li explained the events that luminaries such as Zhang Zhidong, Wang Shijie, Li Da took part in and their connections to WHU.
President Li further explained that as the source of Jingchu culture, Hubei has always been an important base of education, with Wuhan serving as one of the largest academic centers in China. President Li also detailed WHU’s commitment to internationalization including substantial contact with 86 universities and colleges and research institutes in the US. Prominently, Wuhan University cooperates extensively with Duke University, Ohio University, Chicago University and other colleges in global health, cooperative education, biology, energy, medicine and other fields.
Ambassador Baucus suggested that Wuhan University sustain close cooperation with American universities, making Wuhan the “Boston of China”. At the same time, by taking advantage of education resources, Wuhan could tap potential markets and draw enterprises through its scholastic and research expertise. After presenting data regarding the heavy burden of education expenditures and employment pressures on American students, Ambassador Baucus queried about the employment rate of Wuhan University students, which topped 98% despite significant challenges.
Ambassador Baucus also toured around Luojia Hill where he learned Chinese numbers from President Li and sang an impromptu song. Ambassador Baucus impressed everyone with his humor and friendliness. When asked by one student “What do you want to say to Wuhan University students?” He replied “I hope you can follow your inner voice, rely on your gift, go in for anything that you consider to be worthy and you can be satisfied. Your life is in your own grasp. Trust yourself!”