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WHU and Dingzhou Establish Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Institute

Author:Yang Yu, Yin Na

On April 11th, in Dingzhou, Hebei, Wuhan University and the Government of Dingzhou held a signing ceremony to establish an institute covering energy conservation and environmental protection.

At the ceremony, nine agreements were signed between WHU and Dingzhou including the one covering the co-establishment of Dingzhou-WHU Industrial Institute of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection.  Another agreement covered the Xuyang Coking and Gas Abnormal Emission Remediation Project. According to the agreements, the institute will focus on energy conservation, environmental protection, waste water, waste gas and industrial residue, new material and energy resources, information technology, biomedicine and cultural creativity. The institute will apply WHU’s research and innovation within the social economy of Dingzhou and Hebei.

Zhidong Zhao, Dingzhou Municipal Party Committee Secretary, spoke highly of WHU for its research capabilities, spirit of pragmatism in college-government cooperation and sense of responsibility in promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. He hoped that with the help of WHU’s research and experience in building institutions, combined with Dingzhou’s industry and willingness to make the institute work, the institute could develop into an exemplar in university-government cooperation.

Hongbing Shu, Vice President of WHU, pointed out that the institute is a good example of the teamwork between WHU and Dingzhou, and a positive response to the national call for help developing the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. He added, the institute will solve practical problems for Dingzhou,  become an important technical support platform for local energy conservation and environmental protection, as well as serve as a think tank, a technology bank and a talent pool to support Dingzhou’s economy.

Chunying Song, the Hebei Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau Deputy Director, praised the work of both WHU and Dingzhou in developing the institute, and added that environmental protection bureau was also firmly committed to developing the institute.

(Rewritten by Shangwu Yao, edited by Sijia Hu & Yoni)