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Task Fulfilled for WHU’s Antarctic Scientific Expedition

Author:Aoqi Li

  Doctoral Student Qiang Qiang Participates in the Rescue Work of Flight MH370 with “Xuelong”

On March 6th, upon completing the Antarctic scientific expedition, two WHU’s doctoral students Qiang Qiang and Yuan Lexian set out to China on “Xuelong” and arrived at the Perth Port, Australia on 21th. However, when “Xuelong” was assigned the task to search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Qiang qiang left from the Fremantle Port to join in the search.

WHU appointed five members to participate in the 30th Antarctic scientific expedition including Professor Gong Wei from the State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Associate Professor Peng Fang from the College of Life Sciences, three doctoral students Ai Songtao, Zhang Baojun and Qiang qiang from the Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping. During the scientific expedition, team members completed a series of missions such as the observation of the optical property of absorptive aerosols in the Antarctic areas from the ground and satellites, the establishment and re-examination of vegetation observation quadrats on the Antarctic Fildes Peninsula, the maintenance and calibration of the Changcheng Tide Investigation System, the establishment and observation of Zhongshan Station’s satellite tracking station, the establishment of inland station in Princess Elizabeth area and so on.

Those who were on the returning list include Yuan Lexian, a doctoral student from Chinese Antarctic Center of Surveying and Mapping, who performed the winter task in the 29th Antarctic scientific expedition. Zhang Baojun, a team member, is still carrying out the task in the Antarctic and plans to return next March.(edited by Sijia Hu)