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WHU Alumni Selected as CAS and CAE Members

Author:Sijia Hu

This year three Wuhan University Alumni have been granted membership by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). Gui Jianfang has been selected as CAS member while Guo Renzhong and Hu Chunhong become CAE members.

Gui Jianfang obtained his bachelor and master degrees from the WHU Biology Department. He got his doctor degree at the CAS Institute of Hydrobiology and rose to become that institute’s director. He has specialized in fish genetic breeding and related biological technology research.

Guo Renzhong obtained his bachelor and master degrees from Wuhan College of Surveying and Mapping’s Mapping System Department. He received his doctoral degree in France and then did his post-doc research at the Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping. He was vice-dean of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping’s Land Science School and is now the deputy director of Shenzhen Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission. Guo is an expert in Geo-information engineering and one of the pioneers in the field of land and resource information in China.

Hu Chunhong received his bachelor degree from Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering’s River Regulation Department. He obtained his master’s and doctoral degrees at Tsinghua University. He is now the vice-director of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research and his research focuses on sediment movement and river flows.