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WHU’s International Reputation Continues to Grow

Author:Sijia Hu

Wuhan University has developed a strong international reputation through recognition of its scholastic success, pursuit of joint ventures with international partners, focus on internationally related fields and adoption of international education models.  In 2013, WHU had 11 disciplines that reached the top 1% in the ESI (Essential Science Indicators) world ranking. In 2011, WHU was listed as a top 400 by Times Higher Education Magazine. That same year, WHU partnered with Duke University and Kunshan city to establish the internationally-focused Kunshan Duke University. In 2002, WHU and Hope foundation co-established Hope Nursing School.

WHU has developed 34 international joint training programs, 108 exchange programs, 101 English-taught programs, and 9 international bachelor degrees. The past 9 years has brought increased cooperation between WHU and institutions in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries.

Wuhan University has fully promoted Internationalization 

In the past 8 years, WHU has received over 23,000 foreign visitors, including heads of state, important ministers, foreign ambassadors, Nobel Prize winners, reputable scholars, and scholastic journals’ editors.

Since 2004, 452 cooperation agreements with foreign institutions have been signed and renewed, 4998 foreign experts have been employed, 101 English courses have been launched, and 13 international joint scientific platforms have been established.

WHU has taken part in a medical education reform program with the University of Chicago; establishedinternational joint scientific institutions such as Sirindhorn International Center for Geoinformatics, as well as four Confucius Institutes in the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany.

Internationalization of Wuhan University has embraced diversified development

In the past nine years, WHU has improved the educational environment for international students and trained a large number of Chinese students with foreign language skills and international perspective.  In this time, WHU has sent many students abroad for exchange programs, degrees international conferences and summer (winter) schools, etc.

WHU has been actively engaged in building English programs for undergraduate students, developing top notch Chinese-Foreign joint programs and organizing international exchange camp for students.

Wuhan University has recruited experts for teaching and scientific research

In recent years, WHU has recruited a large number of experts from developed countries to teach and conduct research. They have shared their teaching methods, experience and textbooks, enhancing the teaching quality of the university overall. Foreign research experts have also taken part in major research projects in Hubei Province and published high-quality theses with Chinese scholars.

By introducing high level foreign experts and adapting their education methods, WHU has raised the quality of education disciplines, scientific research and broadened both teachers’ and students’ horizons.