On October 29th, a five-member delegation led by Jacques Bittoun, the President of Paris-Sud University, visited Wuhan University. The chair of the WHU council Han Jin and Executive President Feng Youmei received the delegation.
Han Jin welcomed the delegation and explained how WHU has been advancing a global strategy starting by cooperating with prestigious universities. He said WHU and Paris-Sud University could find further ways to collaborate.
Feng Youmei suggested that two sides could further collaborate in fields such as mathematics, chemistry and nuclear sciences, while expanding current programs.
Jacques Bittoun reviewed the effective cooperation between two universities in mathematics and introduced the requirement for admitting Chinese excellent doctoral students by Paris-Sud University in joint training programs. He concurred that the two sides could jointly pursue stronger cooperation.
Leaders from WHU’s School of Law, School of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Office of International Affairs all attended the meeting and offered ideas on student exchange, double degree programs at both the undergraduate and the postgraduate levels, doctoral joint training programs and scientific research cooperation.
As a famous university with a strong science and health science component, Paris-Sud is one of the top universities in France. From the “Sino-France math experimental class” in 1980s to the current master joint training program in nuclear science, the cooperation between WHU and Paris-Sud University has become a model of strong collaboration.