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WHU Scholars Discuss Youth Development in Britain

Author:Hu Sijia

From June 9th through the 16th, Luo Yuting, Vice-Chair of the Wuhan University Council, along with 6 WHU School of Marxism professors participated in an international academic seminar in Britain entitled “a comparative study of Sino-British youth policy and youth work.”

At the seminar, Luo Yuting made a keynote speech “social practical education of Chinese university students”, elaborating on implementing and evaluating experiential education.

Professors Ding Junping, She Shuanghao, Song Jian,Sun Laibin,Li Nan, Ni Suxiang from WHU made presentations covering the “basic idea of contemporary communist party members’ youth concept”, the “social change and integration and development of youth concept” and the “characteristics of Chinese youth Marxism theory education.”Scholars from Britain made interesting reports as well making for a lively conference full of diverse viewpoints.

The De Montfort UniversityYouth, Community and Education Division head, Sarah Hargreaves, concluded the conference by explaining that scholars had contributed to respecting, caring and guiding youth through academic collaboration.

In addition to the conference, the delegation visited De Montfort University, where the Vice-Chancellor, Dominic Shellard, and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Mandy Ashton, received the delegation. There the two universities signed an agreement on research collaboration and faculty exchange.