On June 14th, Mahesh Kumar Maskey, the Nepali Ambassador to China, led a delegation to Wuhan University (WHU). Chair of the University Council Han Jin and Executive president Feng Youmei received the delegation. Heads of Wuhan Foreign Affairs Office and relevant university departments attended the meeting.
Han Jin started the meeting by introducing WHU’s global outlook. He explained that Wuhan University is an open university engaged in extensive cooperation with education and scientific institutions overseas. Chairman Han also hoped that this visit by the ambassador would establish a dialogue between WHU and Nepal to cooperate in higher education and through which WHU could provide better opportunities to Nepali students.

Ambassador Maskey praised WHU as a famous higher education institution that enjoyed a strong reputation in Nepal. He wished that the national education department and higher education institutions in Nepal could develop exchange in education and teaching with WHU and expand the areas of cooperation to include fields of agriculture and renewable energy resources that are highly pertinent to Nepal’s development.

After the meeting, the Ambassador’s delegation met with Nepali students at WHU.
The education cooperation between WHU and Nepal has primarily focused on Nepali students studying at WHU. At present, there are in all 31 Nepali students at WHU, most studying medicine.