On November 12th, the WHU-TU Delft Research Center on Spatial Information was officially established by Wuhan University and the Delft University of Technology.
At the opening ceremony, the vice president of Wuhan University, Feng Youmei pointed out that the center will serve as an important platform for the exchange of scientific advancements in spatial information from China and the Netherlands. Wuhan University will give full support to the development of this research center, vice president Feng added.

Dirk Berg, the president of Delft University of Technology, introduced the significant scope of cooperation between two universities and hoped that the two partners could take this opportunity to usher in a better future.
The two universities also signed an Agreement between Wuhan University and Delft University of Technology on the establishment of the Wuhan University-TU Delft Joint Research Center on Spatial Information at the ceremony. Gong Jianya, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of the State Key Lab of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing unveiled the center’s plague together with Dirk Berg.

After the ceremony, Gong Jianya, Professor Peter van Oosterom from TU-Delft in Geographic Information System and Professor Wu Huayi from the State Key Lab of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing made keynote speeches. In the afternoon, scholars from China and the Netherlands broke down into small groups to discuss their research findings.
TU-Delft is the largest and oldest technology university in the Netherlands. It is among the best technology universities in the world according to the Times ranking. Cooperation between WHU and TU-Delft in the field of spatial information dates back to 2011 when international coordinators from TU-Delft visited WHU for several times to discuss collaboration with colleagues from WHU. This April, A member of CAS and CAE, Li Deren, and Professor Zhu qing paid a visit to TU-Delft and reached a preliminary agreement on the spatial information center.