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Nepal’s President meets with WHU Delegation

Author:Hu Sijia

On October 5th, the president of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Ram Baran Yadav, met with a Wuhan University delegation headed by the chair of the university council, Li Jian, in the president's office in Katmandu. China’s ambassador to the Republic of Nepal, Yang Houlan, also attended the meeting.

President Yadav extended a warm welcome to the delegation. He said since the two countries established formal relations, they had continued to deepen ties. President Yadav expressed his hope that WHU could provide more opportunities for Nepalese youth to study in China in order to train experts in agriculture, health care, water conservancy and hydropower.
Professor Li Jian introduced the state of Chinese higher education and WHU’s rigorous academic programs. He said WHU intended to expand educational cooperation with universities in Nepal and contribute to the friendly ties between the two nations.

Since 2001, WHU has received around 100 Nepalese students, mainly medical students. All of them have passed certification exams in order to become doctors in Nepal and many of them have taken important positions in large-sized hospitals.